
As a member of the Graham County Search and Rescue team you are expected to be able to stay on a mission for 24 hours.

Below is a list of items by category that should be in your pack.  However, this pack is personal and should be adjusted to meet your needs.

Personal Preparedness

  • Personal Medications
  • Spare Prescription Eyeglasses / Contact Lenses
  • Toilet Paper
  • Sunscreen
  • Hand Trowel
  • Soap
  • Socks

Food and Hydration

  • Food
  • Hydration Bladder
  • Water Bottle / Canteen
  • Sports Drinks

Light Sources

  • Flashlights
  • Headlamp
  • Extra batteries


  • Compass
  • GPS
  • Cell Phone

Search Equipment

  • Pad and Pencil
  • Tracking Stick
  • Binoculars
  • Flagging Tape


  • Whistle
  • Signal Mirror
  • Cell Phone

Stop the bleed kit

  • EMT Type Scissors
  • Gauze Bandage, Roll/Pads
  • Medical gloves
  • Medical masks

First Aid

  • Acetaminophen / Aspirin Tablets/ Ibuprofen
  • Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Tablets
  • Antiseptic Cleansing Pads
  • Antiseptic Ointment/Cream
  • Band-Aids, Various Sizes
  • Cotton Swabs, Non-Sterile
  • Gauze Bandage, Roll
  • Safety Pins
  • Splinter Forceps, Tweezers
  • EMT Type Scissors
  • Sterile Dressings (3 or 4, 4” squares)


  • Duct Tape
  • Fire Starting Capability
  • Space Blanket / Emergency Sleeping Bag
  • Para–Cord / Cordage (50’)
  • Water Purification Capability
  • Shelter