Command and Control

Command and Control is the exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated Search/Rescue Manager over search and rescue personnel in the accomplishment of the mission. Command and control functions are performed through an arrangement of personnel, equipment, communications, facilities, and procedures employed by a Search/Rescue Manager in planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling search and rescue operations in the accomplishment of the mission.

The Search/Rescue Manager has the authority to direct the assigned and attached personnel in the accomplishment of the mission.  Control of a mission includes the use of trained SAR personnel, radios, mobile devices, tactical data system (SARtopo), SUVs, side by sides, canine teams, and aviation.

The Search/Rescue Manager needs to be trained in the command-and-control methods specific to wilderness search and rescue situations.  This includes but is not limited to ICS training. It is critical that SAR personnel are sufficiently trained in command and control in order to follow directions from the Search/Rescue Manager efficiently

Work in progress! If you are interested in working on this section please contact Robin

Callout procedures

The Callout should be considered one of the most important of search and rescue.  If the Callout is slow or if the information is incorrect or incomplete the search will be delayed with possible tragic consequence. SAR members need to understand what is expected of them during a callout and be able to respond flawlessly.

The Search and Rescue Coordinator will determine the need and level of a callout.  The Callout will begin with a page initiated by Graham County Sheriff’s Department dispatch office.

The Graham County Sheriff’s Department currently uses three types of page-outs to initiate a mission: Standard, Stand-by, and Activation callout.

Follow instructions in the Page.  If not clear report to squad house.

A standard callout:

Go to the squad house, prepare equipment and await further instructions.


Search & Rescue

Respond to squad house in ref to assisting in extraction of male Subject involved in MVA w/ejection;

LAT: 32.8364 LONG: -109.637

Stand-by callout:

Prepare for a callout but you do not have to respond to the squad house.


Search & Rescue


Poss search for missing subject. High Creak Road in Bonita, PER G7

Activation Callout:

After your personal preparation proceed to the location indicated on page-out.


Search & Rescue

Meet @ Ashurst Transfer Station.

For 59yo male, Missing from Hwy 70 around MM 308.5, male has medical issues.

Per G3

Callout Checklist

Step 1 – Personal preparation

  • Dress appropriately in layers and be prepared for varying temperatures and terrain. We may start out in the snow and end up in the desert on the same call.
  • Load your equipment and gear including radio, GPS, special and weather-related items, and assigned squad equipment.
  • Check if you have sufficient food and water.
  • Fuel your vehicle and note the milage.
  • Inform family and employer of the pending SAR operation.

Step 2 – Go to SAR Squad Building

  • First sign in.  Start a sign in sheet if necessary (details can be added in later).
  • Load the team radio boxes into the squad truck and pull the truck around to the front.
  • Fill ice chests with water and ice (summer) and load into vehicles.
  • Post all known information about the mission on the whiteboard.
  • Await further instructions from the leadership.


SARTopo is a tactical data system (map tool) designed to be used by first responders to plan and execute searches.



Interaction with outside entities

Incident Command System