About Us

Mission Statement

We are committed to excellence through continual training, preparedness, and  inter-agency cooperation; above all, we are committed to those who entrust us with their lives.

Core Values

Our Commitment

The Graham County Search & Rescue is made up of a diverse group of men and women who are committed, ethically and morally to the citizens we serve. With the highest of standards, we will provide service, free of charge, that meets or exceeds the requested assistance while ensuring the safety and well-being of our members and partners.


We recognize the value and spirit of volunteerism. Each member contributes selflessly of their time while embracing relationships with one another based on mutual respect. We recognize that strength and knowledge is established through honest communication, training and embracing  individual perspectives.


Members of the Graham County Search & Rescue team are committed to providing the highest level of excellence though continual  preparation, & training and teamwork. Our members are dedicated to the safety of  those lost, missing, or endangered.  With every mission, we promise compassion, comfort, and hope to the loved ones awaiting closure.


We achieve knowledge through constant, hands-on, up-to-date training.  We remain in a continual state of preparedness so that we may respond  to any situation, at any time and  in any environment. Our purpose is to provide the highest  level of service and care to those in need.

Fiscal Accountability

The Graham County Search & Rescue will ensure that all expenditures, whether in-kind, donor provided, or grant provided, reflect the trust our supporters have placed in us.

Who we are

Prior to 1972, a group of citizen volunteers, under the direction of the Graham County Sheriff’s Office established the Graham County Sheriff’s Posse. Later, when the State of Arizona statutorily mandated each County Sheriff’s Department to conduct search and rescue missions, these same volunteers established the Graham County Search and Rescue organization.

Since that time, Graham County Search and Rescue has conducted hundreds of missions, locating, and rescuing countless men, women, and children. Our team members have been called to assist every law enforcement agency throughout Graham County. We have worked collectively with the local prisons and on the reservation with their Law Enforcement. Additionally, we have assisted other Search and Rescue organizations throughout the state, in turn, these Search and Rescue teams have readily assisted us. Establishing and maintaining these inter-agency partnerships is important to our organization. The trust and confidence these agencies have placed in our team is invaluable.

The Graham County Search and Rescue is a team of highly trained and skilled volunteers from all walks of life. We are mine workers, medics, firefighters, secretaries, correctional officers, veterans, small business owners, ranchers, retirees etc. More importantly, we are all dedicated individuals wanting to make a difference in the lives of those we serve.

We are available 365 days a year to individuals who are lost, stranded, injured, or deceased in remote and often inaccessible terrain. We are here to offer hope and comfort to their families and loved ones.