
A member of the Graham County SAR must be prepared to respond to a callout any time day or night and in any weather.  To do this we must train continuously.  Below is a partial list of the knowledge and skills needed to accomplish our mission along with resources to help learn and maintain the needed skills.

Please be patient!  These pages are being worked on.  If you have any ideas on the layout or content of these pages, please let us know.

Basic Knowledge

Coming soon!

Command and Control

Command and Control is the exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated Search/Rescue Manager over search and rescue personnel in the accomplishment of the mission.


  • Radio Operations
  • Report Procedures


  • Route and Location Search Search
  • Area Search Search
  • Multiple Operational Periods Search
  • Containment
  • Tracking
  • Lost Person Behavior
  • Canines
  • Mounted Operations


Rescuing injured persons from the wilderness is one of our primary tasks.  This can be grouped into three distinct types of rescue: stretcher transportation, technical rope rescue, and swift water rescue.  While each of these rescue types have unique skills requirements, they also share an intimate knowledge of knots and the use of transportation devices (Stokes Basket or Skedco stretchers)

Health & Wellbeing

First Aid
Bloodborne Pathogens
Stop the bleed
Altitude Related Hazards
Personal Preparedness

  • Hydration
  • Clothing
  • Footwear
  • Packs
  • Stress Management
  • Local Hazards
  • Risk Management
  • OSHA workplace safety

Wilderness Survival


Coming soon!

Land Navigation

Coming soon!


Coming soon!

Legal Issues

Coming soon!